
Hi, My name is Kahryn and I believe in grace and encouragement.

I move, work, speak, and write from a place of intentionality, thoughtfulness, and joy. I am redefining my definition of success in this life and so far I’ve found it in writing, wellness, and wandering around.

I was born and raised in southern California and graduated from the University of San Francisco in 2017 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies and a double minor in Sociology and Health Studies. Which basically means, I have a love for words, people, and wellness. Within communication studies: I researched rhetoric, relationships, health, spirituality, and environmentalism- and how words shape and shift all of this. This has taught me how much power words hold and how lucky we are as humans to use them as tools to inspire, inform, and love the people around us. As far as sociology: I studied US and global injustices, intersectional feminism, gender, and media, all of which revealed how complicated and chaotic the world can be and how in need it is of people who are patient, humble, and willing to serve those around them. In health studies: I dove into psychology (anxiety, depression, burnout), medical communication, physiology, and nutrition causing me to realize true wellness is well beyond what we choose to eat and how we choose to move our bodies but inclusive of the way we think about ourselves, the way we interact in our relationships, and the way our bodies respond to the sometimes overwhelming world around us.

I am interested in the intersection of these subjects and how we can integrate these seemingly contrasting areas of study into daily lifestyle choices that allow us to live more balanced, thoughtful, and fulfilling lives. Because I have a deep love of writing and aim to see people supported, informed, and empowered- this is where the website comes in. In this season, one of the best ways for me to encourage others is to be honest with my own feelings, sharing of my experiences, and informative of what I have learned.